viernes, 30 de marzo de 2018

Diario de Aprendizaje

Buenos días,

tras haber finalizado el bloque 2 del curso que estoy realizando 'Flipped Classroom', me gustaría hacer una reflexión sobre lo aprendido hasta el momento.

En primer lugar, hemos visto otras metodologías innovadoras diferentes de la denominada 'Flipped Classroom' pero que también están relacionadas con ella. Algunas de ellas son:

* Problem/ Project Based Learning
* Discovery Based Learning
* Challenge Based Learning
* Case Study Based Learning

Principalmente, nos hemos centrado en la primera de ellas: Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas / Proyectos (ABP).

En la segunda parte del bloque hemos repasado la taxonomía de Bloom y su relación con 'Flipped Classroom'. Algo a destacar desde mi punto de vista es la tarea que hemos realizado: una actividad tradicional la hemos 'editado' para aumentar de nivel en la taxonomía Bloom. Y por último, un concepto muy actual 'gamificación'. A decir verdad, había utilizado la gamificación de manera inconsciente, puesto que en la plataforma Edmodo que utilizo con mis alumnos, les concedo insignias o medallas cuando realizan bien una tarea (por ejemplo, un cuestionario). 

El curso está siendo muy positivo por muchos aspectos: estoy aprendiendo a utilizar una gran cantidad de recursos digitales que estoy incluyendo en mi metodología (algunos ejemplos: Plickers, Padlet; Kahoot; Pixton; Glogster; Quizlet; Aurasma, etc); es muy fácil trabajar de forma cooperativa a través de Padlet (lo desconocía anteriormente) y en los foros aprendo de mis compañeros, aunque sean de otras asignaturas y/o niveles.
Sin embargo, debo reconocer que las tareas del primer bloque fueron algo complicadas ya que había que registrarse en varias plataformas, crear un podcast, publicar una entrada de blog... y al principio, si no estás acostumbrado a trabajar con ello y dispones de poco tiempo, es algo laborioso.

Nos queda el bloque 3 y proyecto final. Por último decir, que todas mis actividades están relacionadas con la obra de Oscar Wilde 'The Importance of Being Earnest' ya que es la lectura obligatoria que van a realizar mis alumnos de 1º Bachillerato en el tercer trimestre. Como veis ya me he puesto manos a la obra y estoy aplicado todo lo aprendido ;)

Un saludo

viernes, 9 de marzo de 2018

Flipped Classroom (Ideas previas)

Como os adelanté en la entrada anterior, actualmente estoy realizando un curso de formación sobre la metodología Flipped Classroom. Es cierto que había oído ese concepto en anteriores ocasiones, pero no sabía muy bien en qué consistía esa metodología.

Decidí inscribirme en este curso para formarme y seguir adquiriendo más conocimientos sobre qué metodología puedo incluir en mis clases para obtener mejores resultados y en beneficio de mis alumnos.

Por si alguno desconoce en qué consiste el Flipped Classroom explicaré brevemente algunos de sus principios:

- Se trata de que los alumnos visionen un vídeo con anterioridad a la sesión. (O cualquier otro tipo de contenido que los alumnos puedan trabajar en casa y les prepare para lo que se va a desarrollar en la sesión).

- Una vez visionado el vídeo en casa, se consigue liberar tiempo de clase para dedicarlo a los contenidos principales. Los alumnos participan activamente en su propio proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.

- En el aula el profesor puede dedicar una mayor atención a la diversidad del alumnado.

- Se minimiza la cantidad de deberes que los alumnos deben realizar de manera autónoma en casa. Con esta metodología tendrán que realizar las tareas de manera previa a la sesión.

Como profesora de educación secundaria he trabajado con diferentes plataformas: como Moodle o actualmente Edmodo. Debo reconocer que fueron los propios alumnos los que me pidieron que abriera un grupo en Edmodo y suelo colgar vídeos explicativos de gramática o culturales, recordarles entrega de redacciones, cuestionarios sobre el libro de lectura, encuestas sobre actividades culturales o extraescolares que realiza el departamento, etc.  De momento tengo que decir que la comunicación con los alumnos y la experiencia están siendo muy positivas.

Antes de finalizar también me gustaría comentaros que en el curso estamos viendo muchas páginas webs que podemos utilizar para facilitar nuestra labor docente. Algunas de ellas son o

Os seguiré informando sobre Flipped Classroom y a ver cómo lo puedo incluir en mis aulas. (Estoy deseando)

Flipped Classroom

¡Hola de nuevo! Retomo contacto con el blog después de tanto tiempo... y esta vez lo hago en español puesto que esta entrada y las sucesivas tratarán sobre un curso de formación que estoy realizando y del que os quiero hacer partícipes.

El curso trata sobre la metodología 'Flipped Classroom'. Os dejo el siguiente enlace con una breve reflexión. En la siguiente entrada os comentaré mis primeras impresiones al respecto.

Un saludo

Podcast 'Flipped Classroom'

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2013


Hi again! In this post you can find information about the Present Perfect Simple Tense: uses, structures, examples and some links to put the theory into practice. Enjoy it!

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

I left my heart in San Francisco.

Hi there! First of all, I apologize for not posting so much this month, but I have been really busy. Believe me! I have noticed that many of my visitors are from San Francisco, I love this city and this post is dedicated to them all.

I went to SF in June 2007 with three classmates and also friends; we stayed there for just three weeks and it was an unforgettable experience!

The flight.- Travelling from Madrid (Spain) to SF (USA) took us about a whole day. We had to take three different planes: from Madrid (Spain) to Amsterdam (Holland), where we spent the night at the Schipol airport; from Amsterdam to Detroit (USA), where I was kept by the police because there was a problem with my passport (the policewoman said it was my lucky day, lol), and FINALLY, from Detroit to SF.

Accomodation and school.- We stayed in Amsterdam Hostel which is located in Taylor Street. In the mornings we went to a school, Embassy CEE in Pine Street to improve our English and in the afternoons we visited the city and its most popular attractions.

Attractions.- Golden Gate Bridge. I was really impressed when I saw it for the first time. It is much bigger and longer than it seems in films or pictures. I love it!

Hills.- As you have probably seen in films, there are a lots of hills in SF, that's why we saw so many people wearing a suit and, at the same time wearing trainers (OMG). I couldn't understand how they can park (or even drive) their cars on a hill.

Streetcar.- Perhaps it's the most popular medium of transport in SF, but I think that it is used mainly by tourists, as we did.

Fisherman Wharf.- You can go on a cruise, visit the Alcatraz Island, go shopping and have lunch in a nice Italian restaurant. We went there on July 4th, to celebrate Independence Day, there was a concert and we saw the fireworks.

Alcatraz Island.- It was a military prison and one of its most famous prisoners was Al Capone.

Weather.- I agree with Mark Twain who said: "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in SF". Summer in SF is very different from summer in Spain, but I do not like hot weather so it was perfect for me. The worst thing about the weather was my hair, it was always curly. 

Enjoy the pictures as much as I do. Those people who live in SF, enjoy your city. I promise I'll come back.

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012


Barack Obama was re-elected President of the United States last November 6th. He was the first African-American to be President and he is the first president since Theodore Roosevelt to be returned to office for a second term.

In his victory speech Barack Obama thanked 'every American who participated in this election'; he also thanked Joe Biden, vice-president, to whom he defined as 'the America's happy warrior'. He also had a few words to his wife: 'Michelle, I have never loved you more' and to his two daughters Sasha and Malia: 'I'm so proud of you guys'.

Barack Obama did not forget to talk about the principles the American nation is based on: freedom and dignity for every human being, hopes & dreams, obligations & rights, patriotism. "What makes America exceptional are the bonds that hold together the most diverse nation on earth. The belief that our destiny is shared; that this country only works when we accept certain obligations to one another and to future generations. The freedom which so many Americans have fought for and died for come with responsibilities as well as rights. And among those are love and charity and duty and patriotism. That's what makes America great."

The re-elected President also mentioned these difficult times we are passing through and he gave a few words of hope to the American nation and encourage them to keep working hard: "I have never been more hopeful about our future. I have never been more hopeful about America. [...] America, I believe we can build on the progress we've made and continue to fight for new jobs and new opportunity and new security for the middle class. I belive we can keep the promise of our founders, the idea that if you're willing to work hard, it doesn't matter who you are or where you come from or what you look like or where you love. It doesn't matter whether you're black or white or Hispanic or Asian or Native American or young or old or rich or poor, able, disabled, gay or straight, you can make it here in America if you're willing to try".

However, in this long campaign what attracted my attention more was the polling stations in which Americans could vote. In Spain we vote in the primary schools which are nearer to our address but in the USA, they vote in churches, pet shops, sports halls, private homes or even in laundromats. There go the pictures!!

Voting machines at the Krishna Temple in Salt Lake City  (Picture: AP /Rick Bowmer)

Congratulations to the re-elected President and to all Americans that believe that 'the best is yet to come'.

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Past Simple vs. Past Continuous

Hi guys! After the Halloween celebration, let's continue studying grammar: the past tenses. In this post, both past simple and past continuous are shown, and also their uses, structures, examples and how to combine both in the same sentence. You will also have some links to put the theory into practice. Thank you!